The Turn Of The Century
Electrotherapy Museum
Forgotten Tesla Technologies

Updates from 2007:

15kV Single Pancake Coil Test
15kV Bipolar Pancake Coil Test - 12"+ Discharges
From the family archive of Thomas Stanley Curtis!
Negative Discharges from Primary Coil to Tesla Ball Terminal
Thomas Stanley Curtis Reproduction - Small Oudin Resonator
Solid bakelite slab and simple handmade form.
Thomas Stanley Curtis Reproduction - A Classic Oudin Resonator
Produces a 12" discharge.  Made with hard woods, marble, silk-covered
wire, bakelite, brass, ...  the old-fashioned way!
Schematic of Tesla Coil For Producing Electric Phenomena
(Specifically designed for Pancake Coils)
Thomas Stanley Curtis Oudin Coil Reproduction
The most impressive cylindrical- secondary table-top Tesla Coil I have ever seen!
Solid State Low Voltage Tesla Coil :)
Okay not really.  A spark gap Tesla Coil operating with only a 240V transformer!
Phantom Streamers and Oscillatory Negative Discharges made
with a Tesla Coil using a wax-insulated output terminal
4" Pancake Coil for producing "Phantom Streamers"
Electrograph Showing Negative "Phantom" Streamers:
Faint discharges can be seen at the ends of the sparks extending
outward a distance of several inches
Original Kinraide Coil Test - Bipolar Arrangement
Original Kinraide Coil Test
A dedication to Thomas Stanley Curtis!
2KW Bipolar Wireless/X-Ray Tesla Coil tests...
Quenched Spark Gap Tests with Oudin Resonator
3/4" Tungsten Dual Quenched Spark Gap

"Stationary-Adjustable" Spark Gap

1.25" Diameter Tungsten Quenched Spark Gap #2

1.25" Diameter Tungsten Spark Gap!
Quenched Gap mounted to 6" aluminum heat sinks!
Bipolar Pancake Coil:  Using a Plate Capacitor for an
Adjustable Top Load
Eight Series Adjustable Binary Spark Gap:
From .001" - .254" in .001" increments!

The Tesla High Frequency Coil:  Its Construction And Uses (1910)
By:  George F. Haller and Elmer Tilling Cunningham

Virtual 12" Feature Tesla Coil

(I decided to do a 3D rendering of this coil until I get the chance to
actually build it...)
Testing a Prototype 9" Pancake Coil with Rotary Spark Gap:  Under Oil
Testing a Prototype 9" Pancake Coil with a Rotary Spark Gap
How to wind a simple form of Pancake Coil.
Photos of Pancake Coil constructions and apparatus...
9" Pancake Coil Test
Pancake Coil efficiency debate:  To the Tesla List
Tesla Inspired Induction Coil:  2" hot flames from a Model T Coil ran
directly from 220/240V mains!  No electronic ignition here! No circuit

board!  No soldering!  No transistors!!
Transformer-less Spark Gap Tesla Coil operated directly from 220/240V
mains!  Its possible - and here is proof and movie!
Weekend projects:
"Fitzgerald Pancake Coil": 8 Watt Tesla Coil giving 2 - 4" sparks!
Viracorp Violet Ray, Renulife Model K Violet Ray
My reproduction 1897 Tesla Oscillator has a new home
in Frank's collection!
 Kilowatt Pancake Coil stills
Homebrew Pancake Coil for Tesla Coil builders
"White Coils":  Pancake Coils for 12"+ discharges
15 kV Pancake Coil tests - round one.
Effluves and ionizations...
And sometimes they just SING!  9" discharges from a
9" Pancake Coil.
Gas Flame-like Discharge Experiments:
Curious effects of a 9" coarse wire Pancake Coil.
20V Tests:  Operating a Tesla Coil (with a spark gap!)
at low voltage, less than 200 volts on the output of the
(normally 1000V) high voltage transformer!

Testing a 3" Pancake Coil.  A Pancake Coil built of modern
materials:  PVC, Drywall Seam Tape, Wax Toilet Rings,
Brass Tubing, and a 1.5" Steel Ball Bearing!
Electrical Discharge Phenomenon Created With Tesla Coils
(At Normal Atmospheric Pressures)
Chapter 1:  Prelude:  Photographs 2004 - 2006
Low power Tesla Coil experiments:

Static Discharges from a Pancake Coil:
Electrostatic Charging of Cardboard tube with Tesla Coil

Movie:  Thomas Burton Kinraide Reproduction:
Extension-Less Point - Limit-less Plane Spark Gap
with 14" Pancake Coil

Reproduction Kinraide Spark Gap:
"Extension-less Point - Limitless Plane Gap"
Kinraide Static Electric Tests...
Partial Static Electricity from a Tesla Coil
Kilowatt Kinraide Coil Flames
Kinraide-Jackson Brush Discharges
Kinraide-Jackson Wispy Discharges
Neon Pancake Discharges
Rotary Spark Gap Pancake Coil Discharges
Strong-Ovington Arcs Sparks and Flames
Strong-Ovington Disk Effluves
Strong-Ovington Ladder of Sparks
Strong-Ovington Press Photos
Strong-Ovington High Resolution Photo
New Years Eve - 2007
Fireworks of a different sort.
Griffith Park Tesla Coil and Reproductions:
Just some of the brilliant work of Bill Wysock
Complete Strong-Ovington Demo Apparatus