The Turn Of The Century
Electrotherapy Museum
(C) Jeff Behary 2007
Negative Discharges Inward to Tesla Terminal
More static effects from a Kinraide Coil
reproduction - note the negative streamers occuring from the primary upward to
the terminal - as
if the ball terminal was grounded and the primary wasn't! But the ball
terminal was simultaneously producing 1-2.5" discharges of its own.
Power transformer was two microwave oven transformers, primaries in
anti-parallel secondaries in series, driven by a reactance coil and 51 volts
from a variac.
Power consumption was approximately 70 watts. Cap was from .048 - .060
Interesting to note that the voltage measured across the transformer was
around 300 volts before the cap was added, and 738 volts afterward! Yet
a change
in the cap value to less than .032 or more than .06 and voltage dropped to
around 300 volts again... (?)(?)(?)
Click here for a movie!