The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum
(C) Jeff Behary 2007

Kinraide Experiments:  "Extension-less Point - Limit-less Plane Spark Gap"

Isometric view:  Extension-less point to the left, Limit-less plane to the right

Left:  View from point side, Right:  View from plane side

Close-up of the two tungsten inlaid brass electrodes.  And Mejla.

Tungsten components are polished 1/4" rod for the plane and sharpened 1/8" rod for the point.

Refractory material (Mica) is used to shield the extension-less point.  The mica
helps to keep the discharge surface of the point to a minimum.

The mica is bolted to a piece of G10 phenolic.  Many thanks to Brian Foley for several pieces of G10!
The only other material suitable would have been asbestos plate.

The point protrudes only a few thousandths of an inch.  It is also made removable for sharpening.