The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum

Jeff Behary's Experimental Spark Gaps For Tesla Coils

Behary Spark Gaps  

Steam Punk Tesla Coil & Spark Gaps
A New Design Of Heavy Duty Spark Gap
Dividing Head Tungsten Spark Gap - Adjustable in 1/1,200th - 1/14,400th of an inch increments
Adjustable 4-series Tungsten Spark Gap
Micrometer Spark Gap with Positive Stopping Positions - 1/10,000th of an inch increments
Micrometer Spark Gap with Positive Stopping Positions
Depth Gauge Spark Gap
Recent Spark Gaps...
New Slim and Trim 3-Series Self-Cooled Spark Gaps
New Spark Gaps

More Quenched Spark Gap Experiments:
3/4" Diameter Tungsten Dual Hydrocarbon Quenched Spark Gap
Plate Gap with paper washers

Military Quenched Spark Gap Tests with 9" 500T Pancake Coil

YouTube video:
Flaming Arc Tests with Military Quenched Gap
Experimental Tungsten Cam Spark Gap
Micrometer Spark Gap - Accurate to 1 / 10,000" and less!
Micrometer Spark Gap Inspired By Thomas Burton Kinraide
Interesting Conical Micrometer Spark Gap - Tesla Coil power supply built in a cigar box!
Poulsen / Duddell Singing Arc Powered Tesla Coil - Initial Experiments
Hydrogen / Hydrocarbon Spark Gap
A Hint of 2009
Low Voltage DC Powered Tesla Coil, using a Relay and an Electromagnet
Turpentine / Poulsen Spark Gap with 500T Pancake Coil
Powered by Microwave Oven Transformer
Turpentine / Poulsen Spark Gap - Details of 2nd Day Tests
Poulsen Arc Hydrocarbon Spark Gap - Copper-Carbon, Turpentine powered
Experimental Adjustable Spark Gap - Tungsten + Hydrocarbon Gas
Kinraide Coil Reproduction, with Water-Cooled Copper Plate Spark Gap
Water-Cooled Quenched Spark Gap for Tesla Coils
Thomas Burton Kinraide Reproduction!
Solid State Low Voltage Tesla Coil :)
Okay not really.  A spark gap Tesla Coil operating with only a 240V transformer!
3/4" Tungsten Dual Quenched Spark Gap

"Stationary-Adjustable" Spark Gap

1.25" Diameter Tungsten Quenched Spark Gap #2

1.25" Diameter Tungsten Spark Gap!
Quenched Gap mounted to 6" aluminum heat sinks!
Eight Series Adjustable Binary Spark Gap:
From .001" - .254" in .001" increments!
Reproduction Kinraide Spark Gap:
"Extension-less Point - Limitless Plane Gap"
Huge Quenched 5-Series Spark Gap
Gigantic 16-Series Quenched Spark Gap
Reproduction Thompson Plaster Spark Gaps
These gaps are unique in that they are stationary, yet adjustable through the use of a sliding arm that short circuits the number of gaps not wanted in the circuit.  They are ideal for voltages from 3,500 - 25,000V or more.
Virtual Reproduction Thompson Plaster Spark Gap
Stationary Series Quenched Spark Gap
This gap has no insulting substances to separate the disks.
Mica or bakelite washers used in the early gaps tended to arc
over time and require frequent cleaning or changing. 

Three Series Stationary Quenched Spark Gap Prototype

Film of 3-Series Stationary Quenched Spark Gap
Inspired by Kinraide:
Stationary Brass Quenched Spark Gap
Inspired by Kinraide:
Adjustable Brass Quenched Spark Gap
with Aluminum Heat Sinks
Inspired by Kinraide:
Stationary Brass Quenched Spark Gap
Inspired by Kinraide:
Adjustable Brass Quenched Spark Gap
with Aluminum Heat Sinks
Graphite Quenched Spark Gap
Marble Aluminum Tungsten Quenched Spark Gap!
 Behary Style Spark Gaps