The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum

What's New in 2012...
Part C

Last Updated:  Wednesday 02 June 2012, 14:36:00 EST


An Introduction To The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum
FIT Presentation:  300 Years Of Electric Fire:  A brief encounter
with Arcs, Sparks, and Electrical Phenomena
07. April 2012 Notes:
New coil, accessories, and system for studying electrical phenomena
Tiberius Cavallo - Natural or Experimental Philosophy - Electricity & Magnetism
Tiberius Cavallo - Natural or Experimental Philosophy - Rainbows
Extracts from Thunder And Lightning (1869)
Edwards and other rare Ads from Andy Wright
Dental X-Ray Apparatus - American X-Ray Equipment Company
Experimental 80T Pancake Coil, 9" OD 20 AWG
Experimental Leyden Phial
Gundelach Grave and Rev. Morgan Non-Conducting Experimental Tube
Campbell SureX Interrupterless X-Ray Machines
Campbell Diathermy and X-Ray Price List (1928)
H. G. Fischer X-Ray Meters from Dave Madison
Liebel Flarsheim Short Wave Diathermy and Burdick UT 400 Ultrasonic Generator from Mike Tello
E. J. Rose Violet Ray Machine
Featured Collector Alastair Wright
Madeline's Millipede
Thompson Plaster D2 Dental Coolidge X-Ray Machine
Featured Collector Myrna Troxler
Electrocoagulation of Nickle in Water By Alternating Currents
Excerpts on Diathermy written by Frederic de Kraft / Nagelschmidt
Pancake Tesla Coil dedicated to Frank Jones:  1650V 10mA transformer,
Silk Covered Wire Secondary Coil, Copper Ribbon Primary Coil, Ebonite
and Uranium Oxide Glass Spark Gap
Youtube movie of 1650V 10mA xfmr powered Pancake Coil
Alastair's impressive Glass Cabinets!
Gundelach's House - Glasmuseum
Campbell High Frequency and X-Ray Has No Peer
Ode to Otto von Guericke and Francis Haukesbee:
Spherical Globe Frictional Static Electric Machine
Youtube video of Globe Frictional Static Machine
John Lennon and the Adrian's X-Ray Machine
1885 Westinghouse Steam Engine
1930s Tesla Coil
Leyden Kitten?
Experimental Morgan Non-Striking Vacuum Tube,
Triboluminescent Tubes, Crookes Tube with Man Inside
Triboluminescent Geissler Tube Rotator
A Wonderful Discovery
The Days Of Steam Probably Numbered
(Cleveland Leader, 17. May 1875, Keely Motor announcement)
A Wonderful Discovery
The Days Of Steam Probably Numbered
(Cleveland Leader, 17. May 1875, Keely Motor announcement)
High Resolution Clips
John W. Keely Motor Company Signed Stock Certificate 
Testing and reassembling the VICTOR SNOOK Interrupterless! 
Testing a Snook Transformer at 25% Voltage
Testing a Snook X-Ray Transformer at various power settings 
Early Static Engravings from Wellcome Library,
McIntosh Polysine #1158
Unusual 3 Terminal Davis & Kidder Magneto Electric Machine
Works In Progress:
Frictional Static Machine Collector;
Globe Static Machine;
Small Replica Nairne Static Machine
Small Replica Nairne Static Machine
Otto von Guericke / Francis Hauksbee 16" Diameter Globe Static Machine
Description and use of Nairne's Patent Electric Machine
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