The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum

[Great] Uncle Russell and Madeline:  Without him, none of this history would have been saved!

What's New in 2011...
Part C

Last Updated:  Friday 25.  March 2011, 13:16 EST
2.5 KW Edison Dynamo from 1893
1868 Ritchie Induction Coil - (Number 12)
Philosophical Apparatus, Part 1...
Frank S. Betz 1910 Ozone Generator
Black Lightning
David's Gold-Plated Fischer Diathermy Electrodes
Cenco Hyvac and Megavac:  Striations in Geissler Tubes
YouTube Video:  Exhausting A Geissler Tube
L E Knott Apparatus Catalogue Excerpts
L E Knott Apparatus Motor
Lutz Neumann's incredible Tesla Lamp,
Replica Roentgen Tube, and Radiometers
McIntosh Toepler Holtz Machine
Ralph C. Browne, B & B Coil Booklet (First Violet Ray machine)
Ritchie 1868 Induction Coil Parts
Threaded Coil Forms for Tesla Coils (64 TPI)
Philosophical Apparatus, Part II
Westinghouse Meters
Testing Ritchie Induction Coil Interrupter
Model T Ignition Coil Powered Tesla Coil
H. G. Fischer D Tesla Coil
Madame Curie Experiments
Violet Ray Ads
The X-Ray Fluid
Tesla Clock
H. G. Fischer D Tesla Coil
Some Induction Coil Experiments
To Reduce Inverse Discharge In X-Ray Tubes
YouTube Video:  X-Ray Experiments with 1868 Ritchie Induction Coil
Madeline turns one year old!
Super Coil!
YouTube Video:  Super Coil
YouTube Video:  Electrocryptoscope
YouTube Video:  Flaming Arc Tests
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