The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum
What's New in 2010...
Part A
Last Updated: Thursday 11. March 2010, 20:34 EST
Thomas Stanley Curtis Stage Oudin Coil
Tesla Coils and related advice
Катушки Тесла и связанные с ними исследовательские советы
Drum Style Bipolar Tesla Lecture Coil
Reproduction Kinraide Induction Coil - Full Size Images
Reproduction Floor Model Kinraide High Frequency Induction Coil
Reproduction Kinraide High Frequency Induction Coil & Movie
Electronome Quack Medical Device
Max Wocher & Sons High Frequency Coil
Rogers Electric Laboratories Violet Ray
Wimshurst Machine from the Collection Of Andreas Krieger
Tesla Coils with 2000 turns and above...
Analysis of Tesla Phantom Streamers, Part One
Micrometer Spark Gap with Positive Stopping Positions - 1/10,000th of an inch increments
Micrometer Spark Gap with Positive Stopping Positions
Joseph Webb Lodge / Free Masons
Empire Electric Rose High Frequency and X-Ray Coil
with High Frequency X-Ray Tube
Fischer Low Voltage Generator
Depth Gauge Spark Gap
Crookes Radiometer Tube and
Crookes Tube with Striations
Researches In Spiritualism
by Sir William Crookes (1904)
Some Unpublished Letters Of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
by Dr. Eugene Rollin Corson
Some Experimental Coils, Carbon Arc Lamp
A Home Calcium Tungstate X-Ray Screen and Fluoroscope
Ruhmkorff à Paris Induction Coil
Queens Self-Regulating X-Ray Tubes
From Bill Wysock: Letters from Frederick Finch Strong
regarding X-Ray burns and Hydrosophosol compound
Edwards High Frequency Coil Experiments
Edwards High Frequency Violet Ray Coil
Violet Rays in High Resolution
Life Lite Genuine Quartz Lamp (UV, Ozone)
Installation and Operating Instructions for
the Style F Treatment Cabinet
Burdick - Infra-Red Therapy
Alpine Press - The Quartz Lamp
32V Master Electric Violet Rays
McIntosh 8055 Portable High Frequency Coil
McIntosh Violet Ray
Misc. Faradic Batteries
Telephone Magnetos
Ignition Coils
Reminiscences Of A Birdman by Robert D. Campbell
The incredible story of the life of Earle L. Ovington
Every Tesla Enthusiast needs this book!
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