The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum

What's New in 2008...
Part C

Last Updated:  2. November 2008
NEW: We now have an OFFICIAL INDEX of the museum!
"Cyclone Plus" - Tesla Coil for producing Phantom Streamers and other Electric Phenomena
Phantom Stream Experiments:  Series Spark Gap
High Resolution Phantom Streamers...
Even these are reduced from their original size, but I can't see making them
any smaller when there is such wonderful details! 

"Phantom Streamers" Produced with "Cyclone Plus" Tesla Coil -
A first attempt at photographing these unusual electric phenomena!

Photos taken by Ciprian Timbal
4 second exposures (on average) were used to try and capture the "Phantom Streamers"...
Finally some success after years of failed attempts. The 2" ball terminal was photographed
producing Phantom Streamers extending in excess of 11" in all directions from the terminal.
Only the sections closest to the sphere could be captured, but this is a successful beginning.
The plume like details of the streamers are difficult to capture - they give off but little light,
and are fast-moving, making them next to impossible to photograph with methods other than
direct-contact prints on film. Cip did a wonderful job on these.
"Cyclone Plus":
Thomas Burton Kinraide research continues!
Special Tesla Coils for producing Phantom Streamers!
Eleventh Annual Meeting Of American Electro-Therapeutic Association
Held in Buffalo, NY Sept 24, 25, 26 1901:  Thomas Burton Kinraide
Model Flywheel Engines and EJ Cady Exact Automatic Micrometer:  From the collection of Jim / James Headberg
Gazing through ionized air...
H. G. Fischer - Blueprint Samples - Fischer Model "V" Senior; Misc. Fischer Logos over the years...
A. S. Aloe "New Lightning" Manual
Campbell Electric High Frequency Therapeutic Chair!
Many thanks to the private collector that sent these photos!
H. G. Fischer FO LO Cabinets
1932 Vacuum Tube Tesla Coil Plans
Dyne-Electron - Spark Gap Adjustments
H. G. Fischer Diathermy Machine - 3 Spark Gaps
Master Electric Surface Electrode in Original Box!
H. G. Fischer - Family Archive - Model 200 Short Wave Diathermy Machine!
H. G. Fischer - CSWI Control Panel - From the garage of Warren Fischer!
H. G. Fischer - Modern Low Voltage Generator
Modern Tesla Coil CAD / Plans  - 24" Discharge
Wax-Impregnated / Oil-Filled Tesla Secondary Coils...
ELECTROGRAPHY:  A Gallery Of Electric Autographs by Jeff Behary
Jeff Behary's Universal Tesla Coil Tuner
3" PVC - 2000 turn Secondary coil test...32" sparks max. so far...
Movie:  4 1/2" Pancake Coil - Air Bubbles Boiling Out Of Wax
Movie:  Twin Pancake Coil Test - 9kV 120mA
The incredible spanish X-Ray pioneer - Monico Sanchez!
Photos from the family.
Many thanks to Juan Pablo Rozas for sharing these rare X-Ray items from a unique Spanish X-Ray pioneer.

Sanchez Electric Laboratories - X-Ray and High Frequency Coil


Aparato Generador de Rayos X Sanchez y Corrientes de Alta Frecuencia


Apparato Portatil De Rayos X Sanchez y Alta Frecuencia

Collins-Sanchez High Frequency 3-Inch Spark Apparatus
PROOF 2:  Low power Tesla Coil giving 5" sparks with Violet Ray "Kicking Coil" Circuit.
PROOF:  5" Sparks from a 110V "Kicking Coil" (Violet Ray) circuit - approx. 35 watts.  Twin Pancake Coils and scrapped Roger's Violet Ray power supply are used to replicate Tesla's table top oscillator.
Tesla Spiderweb / Pancake Coil - 2 - 4 Million Volt Discharges
Lichtenberg Figures made in the dust with a Tesla Coil

Wireless Transmission Of Electrical Energy to Light Incandescent Lamp
Radicon Remote Control Bus - Uses a classic Tesla / Marconi style Spark Gap Transmitter / Receiver - an amazing find by Frank! 

VITA Violet Ray - variation of  "Remco" Violet Ray - A rare example of early Violet Ray as seen in Sinclair Tousey's Medical Electricity and Röntgen Rays
Tesla Magnifying Transmitter for Studying
Electrical Discharge Phenomena
Britesun Carbon Arc Lamps
Viracor Violet Ray - Master Electric Successors to Viracorp
Nikola Tesla at Colorado Springs - Century Magazine 1900
Tesla's Novel Steam-Electric Clock
Experimental Tesla / Oudin Conical Coil
Burrell R. Ford - Electrical Wizard
High Frequency Gardens in England
Building a Trans-Atlantic Receiving Set / Loose Coupler
How to make a Mercury Dip Interrupter
Piercing Glass with a Spark Coil
Static Electric Experiments
Tesla Table Top Coils Reference
Inside Out Pancake Coil
High Frequency Unipolar Induction Coil
A Selection Of Fischer G & G2 Diathermy Machine Blueprints
From Diathermy Machine to Tesla Magnifying Transmitter!

Revisiting the Tesla Half Size High Frequency Induction Coil...
2 years later and finally completing this unit!
Featured Collector:  Darkerwaters
Better than new Violet Rays and Diathermy Machines!
Thomas Stanley Curtis:
How To Wind A High Frequency Coil Without a Lathe
How To Build High Tension Condensers Of Any Desired Capacity
How To Build A Mercury Interrupter
Bipolar, Tripolar, and Quadpolar Tesla Coil Tests...
Baby Diathermy type Tesla/Oudin Coil - Kit form!
Fitzgerald Vibrator; Antique Victorian Push Button Switches; Antique Lighted  Momentary Push Button Switches
Tesla Bulbs And The Art Of Telautomatics / Remote Controlled Submarine
Binary Tuning Adjustable Capacitor / Condensers for Tesla Coils
Bipolar Tesla Coil where the effluves repel each other!
Harry Goldman:  TCBA News, Author of Kenneth Strickfaden - Dr. Frankenstein's Electrician
Improved Magneto Electric Machine
Science First Tesla Coil
Dynelectron Model P Instructions
Tesla No. 30 Magneto Electric Shocker!
Ingo's Awesome Induction Coil:  A fine restoration!
Introducing a few of the twelve Tesla Coils I wound for New Years 2008
Tesla / Oudin Secondary Coil with variable pitch of winding
H. G. Fischer Archive:  Scale Model Fully-Functioning High Frequency
X-Ray Tube from the H. G. Fischer family
Frederick Finch Strong:  X-Ray Tubes for High Frequency Coils
Frederick Finch Strong:  The Home-Treatment Of Tuberculosis by
High Frequency Currents
Lightning Made To Order:  A 1916 Glimpse Back
Tesla in Colorado Springs
Elihu Thomson:  Keely Reminiscences
A rare account of what really happened at Keely séances made
by Elihu Thomson and Professor Houston
Elihu Thomson:  Letter To Thomas Burton Kinraide
Elihu Thomson:  Letter To Frederick Finch Strong
A rare look at the diplomatic nature of Thomson regarding a
question still posed today:  Who invented the Tesla Coil?  Did
Thomson have priority over Tesla? 
15kV 60mA Pancake Coil Tests - Dischargers mounted
Flaming Arc Stills from "Kilowatt Kinraide Coil"
External Link: Click here to see Jeff Behary demonstrate the "Kilowatt Kinraide Coil" on YouTube.
Kinraide Coil Reproduction For Producing Phantom Streamers
Includes museum friends Bill Wysock, William Terbo, and Jeff Behary
High Frequency Horticulture / Electroculture:
Everyday Engineering - June 1917 - Thomas Stanley Curtis:
Cultivating Vegetables With Electricity
High Frequency Horticulture / Electroculture:
Everyday Mechanics - March 1916 - Thomas Stanley Curtis:
How Two Boys Cultivated Plants With Electricity
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