The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum Tesla Magnifying Transmitter For Studying Electrical Discharge Phenomena Master Oscillator - Primary and Secondary Coils 18.5" in diameter and 6" tall. Master Oscillator with "Extra Coil" Specs: Primary Coil: 3 turns of parallel-stranded copper wire, 3/16" in diameter, spaced 1/2" between centres Wound on a wooden framework, 18.5" in diameter Secondary Coil wound on 18.5" diameter fiber drum portion, 4" tall. 3.2" of winding, 18 AWG magnet wire, 72 turns. Tertiary Coil: 4.75" diameter x 36" long, fiberglass form 37.5" long: 2,375 turns of 28 AWG magnet wire. Topload: 8" diameter float Lower power branching snapping discharges As the power levels increase, the branching starts to fade into more typical discharges Current consumption up to 10 amps. Two microwave oven transformers, primaries in antiparallel and secondaries in series. 10 amp choke coil plus a large Powerstat/Variac as a variable choke coil also in series. Condenser adjusted from .064 - .100 mfd Discharges crackle like static sparks, phantom streamers 7" long and 1.5" in diameter. Sparks 12 - 24" long depending on current consumption. 1/2" diameter tungsten spark gap, 2-series. Drawing an 8 - 16" spark at various power levels to a metal rod held in the hand will cause your hair to stand on end or violently rise and fall depending on the setting of the spark gap and choke coil! Click here for a low power movie... Click here for a higher power movie... (C) Jeff Behary, 2007, 2008 |