The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum

3" PVC Coil tests - Approx. 2000 turns of 26 AWG

Testing coil without a topload.  Discharges 12 - 16" in length.

With an 8" float for a topload, coil was giving 24 - 32" sparks.

An interesting side view of the sparks, close up...

Actual size off of camera

Ribbon close up discharges

Straight on!

Straight on again!

Power supply:  Two MOTs, 1 Reactance Coil, 8 knife switches connecting binary capacitor .001 - .128 mfd in .001 increments.
Cap is set to .096 mfd...   16 series 1/2" Tungsten Spark Gap.  Only 3 gaps are used.

Tesla Coil portion - Primary is 1/4" copper ribbon.

Unusual diameter to height ratio

(C) Jeff Behary - 26. March 2008