The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum

Museum Collection:  1890s - 1930s
X-Ray Machines
Narration and Testing Fischer Type H X-Ray Machine:
The closest thing to an original Tesla Coil!
Kinraide Adventure 2010
Travis and Cheryl's Alternating Current Kinraide Coil Gallery
Alternating Current Kinraide Coil Arrival photos
1.  Slideshow
2.  Gallery
Spark Gap Polishing and Restoration
1.  Slideshow
2.  Gallery
Demoulding and deciphering the Kinraide Coils
1.  Slideshow
2.  Gallery
Restoring an ebonite Kinraide Coil mould
1.  Slideshow
2.  Gallery
Direct Current Kinraide Coil
from the Collection of Thomas B. Greenslade
Kinraide Coil Reproduction, with Water-Cooled Copper Plate Spark Gap
Kinraide Coil Reproduction, Varnished, with movie.
Machine Of The Year: 
Frederick Finch Strong's Ajax Special Coil
Internal Components Of Ajax Special:
Photos taken by Bill Wysock
Some Induction Coil Experiments
To Reduce Inverse Discharge In X-Ray Tubes
YouTube Video:  X-Ray Experiments with 1868 Ritchie Induction Coil
John Grizzy's New Toys!
Ritter Dental X-Ray Machine
Rose High Frequency X-Ray Coil & Tube
Scheidel Western X-Ray Coil and "Columbia" Violet Ray
Immaculate McIntosh Pancake X-Ray Coil and Violet Ray
McIntosh High Frequency X-Ray Machine
Alastair's awesome McIntosh High Frequency Portable X-Ray Machine
Empire Electric Rose High Frequency  and X-Ray Coil
with High Frequency X-Ray Tube
Restored Campbell Model D Portable  High Frequency X-Ray Coil
Campbell D Spark Photos
Jeff and Rita's Campbell E
Frank and Shari's Campbell E

YouTube videos of Monico Sanchez X-Ray Apparatus
and Experiments!!!  These are priceless videos from my
friends in Spain!  Wonderful job!!


Sanchez Electric Laboratories - X-Ray and High Frequency Coil
H. G. Fischer Dental Type H High Frequency X-Ray Machine
H. G. Fischer SP-60 X-Ray Controller
Fischer Dental "Shockproof" X-Ray Machine
Fischer 3kW Interrupter-less X-Ray Machine

Flaming Arcs from Fischer Type 2 X-Ray Machine - Highly Dangerous!

Flaming Arc Stills

Movie:  Low Power
Movie:  Medium Power
Movie:  High Power
Movie:  Synchronous Rectifier
Fischer X-Ray Tube Holder / Stand
McIntosh Hogan - In Operation!
Fischer X-Ray Power Supply
Moving a Monster:  Closeup Photos Outdoors of
an H. G.  Fischer Interrupterless X-Ray Machine
H. G. Fischer X-Ray Meters from Dave Madison
Thompson Plaster D2 Dental Coolidge X-Ray Machine
Featured Collector Myrna Troxler
John Lennon and the Adrian's X-Ray Machine
Victor Snook and Wantz Arrival Photos
Testing and reassembling the VICTOR SNOOK Interrupterless! 
Testing a Snook Transformer at 25% Voltage
Testing a Snook X-Ray Transformer at various power settings 
Victor High Frequency X-Ray Coil (AC or DC Version)
Wm. Meyers "XXX" High Frequency X-Ray Coil
Frank S. Betz 1910 Apparatus
Marty Huff's Frank S Betz 1910 Portable High Frequency X-Ray Unit
Marty's Betz-Morgan High Frequency & X-Ray Coil
James Seeley - Vulcan Coil variation
Featured Collector Ray Decker
 LE Knott Apparatus Laboratory
 Tesla Coil
 Campbell High Frequency, Before
 Campbell High Frequency Discharges
 Campbell Electric Gallery
 Frank S Betz X-Ray Machine
 Seeley Electric Vulcan Coil Gallery
 Seeley Electric Gallery
 Seeley Electric Vulcan Coil Experiments
 Vulcan Discharges Gallery
 Fischer X-Ray Coil, Before Restoration
 Fischer X-Ray Coil Details
 Fischer X-Ray Coil Discharges
 Feature Exhibition: Fischer Cenco Unit
 Feature Exhibition: Fischer Dental Unit
 Feature Exhibition: Wappler X-Ray Machine
 Feature Exhibition:
 Wappler High Frequency Apparatus

Further Reading:

E. B. Meyrowitz X-Ray Apparatus Catalogue
The American X-Ray Journal - Feb 1904
TB Kinraide File:  Excerpts from GA Frei, Spring Park Laboratory,
Swett & Lewis Co
The New Marvel In Photography / Roentgen Rays In America
Priceless Hettinger Catalogues
High Resolution Victor Photographs-
Snook, Wantz, CDX, etc.
Edwards and other rare Ads from Andy Wright
Dental X-Ray Apparatus - American X-Ray Equipment Company
Gundelach Grave and Rev. Morgan Non-Conducting Experimental Tube
Campbell SureX Interrupterless X-Ray Machines
Campbell Diathermy and X-Ray Price List (1928)
From Bill Wysock:  Letters from Frederick Finch Strong
regarding X-Ray burns and Hydrosophosol compound
The ABC Of The X-Ray - W. H. Meadowcraft
The American X-Ray Journal - William Rollins on X-Light Tubes
Practical Electro-Therapeutics - Campbell Electric Corporation
H. G. Fischer Physiotherapeutic And X-Ray Supplies And Accessories
1926 Catalogue
H. G. Fischer - Shockproof X-Ray Catalogue

Aparato Generador de Rayos X Sanchez y Corrientes de Alta Frecuencia


Apparato Portatil De Rayos X Sanchez y Alta Frecuencia

Collins-Sanchez High Frequency 3-Inch Spark Apparatus
H. G. Fischer - Simplified Manual Of X-Ray Technic
H. G. Fischer - DSP-20 Shockproof X-Ray Machine
Frank S. Betz "Betzco" Twin Pole Cabinet
McIntosh Hogan Cabinet  
McIntosh Hogan Booklet
The Jackson Coil Catalog  
The Kinraide Coil  
L. E. Knott High Frequency Apparatus  
Wm. James Morton - Cancer Treatments
Scheidel Western Catalog Of X-Ray Apparatus  
Swett And Lewis X-Ray Coils And Tubes  
Wagner Catalog  
Wappler Ads
 The X-Ray
Norman Rockwell Visits A Family Doctor...
...with a Thompson Plaster, Fischer X-Ray
Stand, UV Lamp, and several friends doing
reproduction scenarios...
Electro-Therapy in the Abstract:
Thompson Plaster Editions
Frank struck gold with these two books.  These machines were all manufactured by H. G. Fischer.
Electro-Radiation Company
Frederick Finch Strong
Schall & Son:  Electro-Medical Instruments And Their Management
Scheidel-Western X-Ray Coil Company Catalogue
Swett & Lewis:  The Cyclone Coil (TB Kinraide)
Drault X-Ray Coil Booklet and Translation!
Mihran Krikor Kassabian:  Röntgen Rays and
Electrotherapeutics - Many thanks Frank!
Dr. Thos Blair - The X-Ray In Country Practice
Eleventh Annual Meeting Of American Electro-Therapeutic Association
Held in Buffalo, NY Sept 24, 25, 26 1901:  Thomas Burton Kinraide

Aparato Generador de Rayos X Sanchez y Corrientes de Alta Frecuencia


Apparato Portatil De Rayos X Sanchez y Alta Frecuencia

Shutts & Walters Co.
Victor:  A Little Journey Into The Realms Of The X-Ray
American X-Ray Journal - December 1900 Röntgen Ray Society
Kinraide, Kassabian, Monell, Waite, etc. talking about X-Ray Burns
and X-Ray Tubes Exploding (Imploding)...
Booklet for McIntosh Hogan - Super Rare!!
The X-Ray Fluid