Inverse Discharge and Correct
Discharge for Röntgen Tubes...
Many apologies are due for quick
photos of tubes on this site with inverse discharge everywhere. I
typically would
snap quick photos using a Violet Ray to test tubes, just to see if the
vacuum was intact or not. This is no way to demonstrate
tubes. Only a few of you know this really, and this page is for
you! Frank generously sent me something I've always wanted
but could never afford - an induction coil. And with this coil, a
small series spark gap to remove inverse currents,
and a small Pressler Tube you can see the bones of your hand in a
Patterson Fluoroscope using a 6V battery. Without the
small gap, you see a shadow on the screen of your hand but all tissues
remain opaque. I tried around a 1/4" gap and suddenly
everything was perfect.




Thank You Frank! Now I am going to document some tubes for real!
C) Jeff Behary, 2011