Stead Asquith vs Nikola Tesla?
Back in 2006 I was introduced to a
puzzling question...who invented the Tesla Speedometer? Don
Asquith, son of Stead
Asquith introduced me to his brilliant father's history - a watchmaker
from Iowa - who once built a motor that could fit in a thimble.
Stead originally had a contract with Waltham to produce a speedometer
based on his 1913 patent. It made novel use of a rather
interesting invention we know as a "Tesla Turbine". It
appears 100% novel and completely independent of Tesla.
The Asquith family say that they were threatened by a big inventor not
to produce
the speedometer...the inventor was Tesla. Looking at my original
speedometers - and the four patents in question...well, I think
I have a Stead speedometer that has Tesla's name on it. The story
remains a mystery. Did the folks at Waltham realize it was based
a Tesla turbine and intervene in some way? This is a mystery I am
curious to try and solve. Look at the photos for yourself!
C) Jeff Behary, 2011