Piffard Hyperstatic Experiments with
Toepler Holtz machine and Scheidel Western Coil
Some time ago Dan bought what we thought was a 6" induction coil
from Scheidel Western. We couldn't get it to spark for nothing!
So opened the case, and WOW! A weird Tesla Coil...
Something like a 50 turn Primary and 100 - 150 turn Secondary!
Last night was EUREKA! I got a small static machine of his working
- and decided to see if was like the Piffard!
We were getting 2 - 3" sparks with a 3/4" gap on the static...
The interesting bit was in complete darkness though. The left
terminal gave off a pure positive branch 4-5" in all
- and the right post gave a negative plume 1.5" or so in all
directions. There were no signs of brush discharge whatsoever,
unless a wire bridged to the two points just beyond sparking
distance. It was a very unique experience!
This Lord Armstrong photo matches what we saw exactly!
More on Piffard below!
(C) Jeff Behary, 2011