The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum
What's New in 2024B
Film Sets and Libraries...
A library opening quite unlike any other...
Complete with books from the 1600s, throwing stars,
fire creatures from Colonial Metalworks, metal casting, Skunkworts beer,
and lots of live museum demonstrations
Creepy Babies - See some of the oddities we cast in metal during our forgotten technology workshops
Team Archer - See the most recent opening of Forrester Archer's work
Vacuum Discharge Tube Display
A plethora of recent museum chaos - Not only was I working 5 months on a film set (TBA),
We moved houses, hosted events, moved a brewery, and saved a J79 Aircraft engine!
Daniel McFarland Moore and Nikola Tesla Single Wire Lamp
Purchased from the collection of Tedd Payne. Eternally grateful!
1908 Tesla Transformer - Tesla Oscillator from Wardenclyffe period that produces near undamped oscillations