The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum

What's New in 2024A

New Year in full force...

Special visit from Mike & Pam Wall

Jarnsaxa - An Artistic Plasma Lamp that I made in the style of 1940's Quackery for a local charity
Sprite-like discharges induced in neon plasma at one atmosphere pressure
Thompson Plaster / H. G. Fischer Type FO Complete Rebuild - Coil & Spark Gap & Tank Circuit
Forrester (and Max) Archer - Electric Space Painters 
Grimoire Oddities Fair in Vero Beach, FL
Creepy Babies:  Teaching the lost arts of metal casting, soldering, and electroplating.
Museum Revamp:  5 Glass Shelves and some deep cleaning...
Dr. Frederick Finch Strong UV Lamp from Bristow
1810 Thomas Brown / Corbett Frictional Shaker Static Electric Machine
Bausch & Lomb Optician's Chair
Lightning Screen Replica
Technique for the use of Cold-Ray mercury ultraviolet light - Physiotherapy Products Corp 
Correspondences between Nikola Tesla, William A. Anthony, Thomas Burton Kinraide, Dr. Frederick Finch Strong, Earle L. Ovington, Anabel Parker, Robert Underwood Johnson.  With additional notes on Thomas Stanley Curtis and John Worrell Keely. 

Also available
translated to
Renulife Violet Ray - Health-Strength-Beauty 
William A. Anthony - Roentgen Rays 
Thomas Burton Kinraide - Novel Theory Of The Origins Of The Universe 
H. G. Fischer 11x17 Blueprints 
American Electro-therapeutic and X-Ray Era December 1903 
American Electro-therapeutic and X-Ray Era July 1903 
American Electro-therapeutic and X-Ray Era May 1903 
American Electro-therapeutic and X-Ray Era June 1903 
American Electro-therapeutic and X-Ray Era September 1903 
American Electro-therapeutic and X-Ray Era April 1903 
Archives of Electrology and Radiology January 1904 
American Martyrs to Science through the Roentgen Rays - Percy Brown 
Elco Instructions How To Use High Frequency Violet Ray 
Electrical Oscillators - Nikola Tesla - November 1894 
H. G. Fischer SW-12 Diathermy 
Some curious insects - Noble Murray Eberhart 
Roentgen Rays and Phenomena of the Anode and Cathode Edward P. Thomson / Professor William A. Anthony 