The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum
What's New in 2023Y...
Patent Models and Resurrecting Forgotten Tesla Technologies...
High Resolution Spark Images...
Philip Atkinson Static Electric Machine from McIntosh Battery & Optic Co. (1885)
Frank S. Betz 1910 Portable X-Ray and Ozone Generator / Violet Ray
Meet Ikarus2, My squirrel friend
Homemade Induction Coil dedicated to the memory of Jim Hardesty
McIntosh Portable X-Ray Machine
My Patent model plaque
Russian Made In Soviet Union Wimshurst Machine
Snook 10 KW X-Ray Machine on low power
Voltana German Wimshurst Machine from Frank Jones
Seeley Laboratories "Vulcan Coil" Twin Pancake Tesla X-Ray Coil
Dualing Tesla Coils
Frank S. Betz 24-plate Toepler-Holtz Sparks
Especially for Daniel Cuscela
The Pandemic Coil
Patent Models In Operation
Science Museum Tesla Coil
Tesla Ozone Generator
Wax-Dipped Coil
November "Pre Sparks"
November "Pre Sparks" Full Resolution
November Sparks
November Sparks Full Resolution
3/4" Tungsten Quenched Spark Gap
1.25" Diameter Quenched Spark Gap
Binary Condenser made from GE High Voltage
Laboratory Doorknob Capacitors
Binary Mica Tesla Coil Tuning Capacitor made from Mica Sheeting
from Schenectady NY
Binary Capacitor made from surplus ceramic doorknob
capacitors from Skycraft Industrial Surplus
Fermilab UV Source from Jeff Larson
Induction Coil WIP
Kellogg Vibrator from Battle Creek Sanitarium
Frank's new Mineralight
Michelle Croteau Stewart and the Bovie Shortwave Diathermy from Tampa,
Trip to NY to see Philip and Joe, Surprise Postcard from Rich Pell from Svalbard
MOT driven Tesla Coil
Pancake Coil for studying upper atmospheric phenomena
Tesla Coil used for Phantasmagoric Alchymie series of
electrical discharge photography artwork / patent model
Nikola Tesla's Remote Controlled Boat might be
still in Long Island Sound
Replica Thomas Stanley Curtis Quenched Gap
(with some artistic license...)
Power Supplies made using Variacs/Powerstats
Testing replica Curtis Quenched Gap