Nikola Tesla My Inventions
Quenched Spark Gap for Wireless Telegraphy
Loose Coupler, Transatlantic radio
High Frequency Horticulture with Tesla coils
Electrical Experimenter October 1913: Burnell Ford Electrical Wizard
Hanovia Sunlamp Morse Wave Generator
Extremely rare miniature X-Ray tube made for Warren Fischer, son of H.
G. Fischer
Electricity Is Life Frederick Finch Strong
Tesla coils for gardening
Articles by Frederick Finch Strong in Electrical Experimenter
Tesla Coiling pioneer in his teens
Mercury break for induction coils
Gift from author Robert Campbell who wrote the book on Earle Lewis
Plans to build vacuum tube powered Tesla Coil
Practical Electrics, Thanks to Steve!
Colorado Springs Experiments
Announcement of a novel type of Tesla Coil
Art made with electricity
One of the most efficient Tesla Coils ever designed
H. G. Fischer apparatus distributed by Thompson Plaster
Catalogue of Frederick Finch Strong apparatus
From Electrical Experimenter
Earle Ovington, First Airmail pilot, Tesla Coils. Photos rescued
and developed by Robert Campbell - check out his amazing book on Earle
From Electrical Experimenter
Nikola Tesla patents colourised
Electro-medical supply house
The best article on Tesla's table top oscillators.
Account of X-Ray burn treatments
Fischer's Magazine Sept 1924
Physical therapy magazine from H. G. Fischer Corp.
Physical therapy conference photos from H. G. Fischer Corp.
Fischer Accessories 1930 - HG Fischer Corporation
A New Theory On Ether And Mass Energy Relations by Nikola Trbojevich -
Nikola Tesla's Nephew.
Electrical Experimenter October 1915
The Improved Magneto Electric Machine For Nervous Disorders
Catalogue Of X Ray Apparatus And Electro Medical Apparatus By Cavendish
Induction Coils For Amateur Coil Makers by GE Bonney
One of the more insightful books on the construction of spark induction
Electrotherapy Museum 2004 - Tesla Oscillator
Electrotherapy Museum 2004 - Tesla Oscillator
Victor X-Ray tube in operation
Electrotherapy Museum 2004 - James Seeley "Vulcan Coil"
electrical discharges.
Electrotherapy Museum 2004 - James Seeley "Vulcan Coil"
High Resolution Photos of Tesla Coils from Nikola Tesla, Thomas Burton
Kinraide, and Dr. Frederick Finch Strong, Henry Piffard, Charles
Campbell, and others. From catalogues, High Frequency Currents,
and SH Monell books.
Unique Violet Ray from Fitzgerald of Torrington CT...has every electrode
the manufacturer sold.
A friend of Lita Tirak's played this on the piano from Frank Jones sheet
music...this video is dedicated to my partner in crime for many years.
Piano by Norman Elton.
A rare account of X-Ray accidents and deaths relating to electrical
X-Ray Catalogue of a company formed by two men who both died of
radiation poisoning... one by accident (John Bauer), and one on purpose
in honor of his friend and partner (Henry Green).
X-Ray Apparatus and Tesla Coils
X-Ray filament stabilizer
Self-regulating X-Ray Tube
Self-regulating X-Ray Tube
X-Ray Induction Coil with Mercury Interrupter
X-Ray sheet music with Queen's X-Ray Tube
A selection of photos from 1996-2003 on the early Electrotherapy Museum
Static electricity pioneer
Pioneering book on Tesla Coils for therapy
Tesla Coil construction bible.