Published: Jan
26, 2019
Archived: Jan
26, 2019
Archive of electrical inventor and X-Ray pioneer Thomas Burton Kinraide
(1864-1927) . This volume contains reference materials associated with
Kinraide: Booklets from the company that sold his inventions (Swett
& Lewis of Boston), Patents, Advertisements, Literature, Journal
Articles, Newspaper Clippings. It also contains photos showing the
restoration of one of his original machines rescued by Che Cooper and
adventures with her and the Kinraide family members rescuing more
history where it was found. There are also photos of Jeff Behary
exploring Kinraide's home where he found his earliest prototypes in
hidden rooms under the 25-room mansion, along with decaying crates of
glass plate negatives. There are photos at various Kinraide family
members homes, replicas of Kinraide inventions that Behary had built.
Also featured are art exhibits at the Linda Matney Gallery in
Williamsburg X-RA*DI*ANCE curated by Lita Tirak in addition to trips to
Savannah to see properties of Kinraide's...