"I was working with a Crookes tube covered by a shield of black cardboard.
A piece of barium platino-cyanide paper lay on the bench there. I had been
passing a current through the tube, and I noticed a peculiar black line across
the paper. ...
The effect was one which could only be produced in ordinary parlance by the
passage of light. No light could come from the tube because the shield which
covered it was impervious to any light known even that of the electric arc...
I did not think I investigated...I assumed that the effect must have come from
the tube since its character indicated that it could come from nowhere else.
It seemed at first a new kind of invisible light. It was clearly something new,
something unrecorded... There is much to do, and I am busy, very
Wilhelm Konrad Röntgen, Discoverer of the X-Ray
"In July 1893, I proposed a new treatment for small-pox, which consists in
placing the patients in rooms from which the chemical rays of the solar system
are excluded by interposing red glass or thick red cloth. The result of
this method of treatment is that the vesicles as a rule do not enter upon the
stage of suppuration, and that the patients get well with no scars at all, or
most with extremely slight scarring...this influence, which is not confined to
variola, depends upon a principle which will, perhaps, find its practical
application in other exanthematous and cutaneous affections...the so-called
chemical rays, placed in the blue and violet, and especially the ultra-violet
parts of the spectrum are the most refrangible; the chemical effect is here at
the maximum, the heating effect at the minimum. "
Niels Reyn Finsen, Pioneer in Phototherapy
"The Realms Beyond The Senses, The Reality Of The Unseen..."
Dr. Frederick Finch Strong
“ When we look at the world around us, on Nature, we are impressed with its
beauty and grandeur. Each thing we perceive, though it may be vanishingly small,
is in itself a world, that is, like the whole of the universe, matter and force
governed by law,—a world, the contemplation of which fills us with feelings of
wonder and irresistibly urges us to ceaseless thought and inquiry. But in all
this vast world, of all objects our senses reveal to us, the most marvelous, the
most appealing to our imagination, appears no doubt a highly developed organism,
a thinking being. If there is anything fitted to make us admire Nature’s
handiwork, it is certainly this inconceivable structure, which performs its
innumerable motions of obedience to external influence. To understand its
workings, to get a deeper insight into this Nature’s masterpiece, has ever
been for thinkers a fascinating aim, and after many centuries of arduous
research men have arrived at a fair understanding of the functions of its organs
and senses...”
Nikola Tesla, On Light And Other High Frequency Phenomena
My interest in rays started in 1995 when I began experimenting with vacuums and
Tesla Coils. I noticed a peculiar yellow-green glow in some tubes that
captivated my attention. After some years, I learned that this glow was
caused by X-Rays. It is now 25 years later. I spent my whole life
studying "Rays" of different kinds, from visible light to X-Rays,
Ultraviolet rays, Gamma Rays. I had the unique privilege of studying
electrical discharges that were unique to my laboratory and few others over
time, outside of Kinraide and Tesla. Now in the later part of life I am
devoting my time to the ultraviolet spectrum of the farthest reaches. I
believe I am pioneering this kind of work with regard to the unique spectrums I
am producing, and expect like Schumann, Lyman, Kinraide, Strong, and
others - it will probably occupy my life and work until the end. The
unknown is a beautiful things to be immersed in... Jeff Behary.
Endless reading and experimentation are the keys to understanding obscure topics
such as invisible "rays"...
This cabinet contains metallic elements, rare arc carbons, gas spectrum tubes,
and apparatus for studying their UV and visible spectrums.
Home laboratory, and living/dining room.
Behind Termite are several hundred kilograms of glass tubing to make special
lamps from.
Pressler Geissler Tube Crown, photographed in Prague from the archives of NTM
Effluves, lighting the air by Tesla method. Replicated designed by Jeff
Behary. Top, tuning process. Bottom, refined.
Ultraviolet and near-ultraviolet discharges produced by apparatus replicating
upper atmospheric lightning.
Photograph by Kelly McJilton, apparatus made by Jeff Behary.
A collection of UV lamps designed and made by Jeff Behary
A series of historical Crookes, Geissler,
X-Ray, and Ultraviolet Tubes photographed by Jeff Behary
One of many dozens of gas spectrum tubes. This one contains iodine vapour.
Edison X-Ray Tube as witnessed in the home of Frank Jones
Elihu Thomson Double Focus X-Ray Tube from Gustav A. Frei Company
Single Wire Tesla Lamp made by Lutz Neumann
Iron Spark Gap replicated by Jeff Behary, Invented by Thomas Burton Kinraide
Ultraviolet effects from Kinraide Spark Lamp 20 feet away
Miniature X-Ray Tube, a gift from Jonathan and Hannah, children of Warren
Fischer, the son of H.G. Fischer
French Geissler Tubes from Frank Jones Collection
Single Wire Tesla Lamp
Tesla lamp in operation.
Crookes Electric Radiometer
Crookes Railway Tube
Holden's Condensator Electrode
Crookes Tube with Butterfly
Lamp made by Jeff Behary to demonstrate shooting stars
Lamp made by Jeff Behary to show high vacuum X-Rays
Cooper Hewitt UV lamp "UVIARC"
Appearance of lamp after powering down
Extremely rare Mercury Vapour Lamp made by pioneer Peter Cooper Hewitt from
GE. Lamp is still in the original shipping crate!
Neon Lamp from Prague from the famous Pilsner Urquell
Demonstration by Jeff Behary showing a punctured lamp can still produce X-Rays
when operated from excessive voltages and frequencies.
Replica of Nikola Tesla experiment.
Crookes Maltese Cross Tube
Crookes Phosphorescent Mineral Tube
Crookes Tube with man inside
Replica Sir Humphrey Davy Tube containing a high vacuum and mercury
Ebert High Frequency Lamp
Ultraviolet Hanovia Alpine Sunlamp
Kromayer Water-cooled Ultraviolet Lamp
Geissler Tube showing the persistent glow of nitrogen gas
Swett & Lewis Crookes Tube for Static Machines
Electrodeless Tesla Lamp
Prototype Ultraviolet Lamp with mesh electrodes and uranium oxide glass graded
Ultraviolet Lamp with cast electrodes
Ultraviolet Lamp with cast seal electrodes
Prototype Ultraviolet Lamp
Small prototype Ultraviolet Lamp for spot treatment of skin
Prototype Ultraviolet Lamp containing neon gas with cast electrodes
Small Prototype Ultraviolet Lamp for treating surfaces
Prototype Ultraviolet Lamp for treating surfaces
Ornate Ultraviolet Lamp prototype with graded uranium oxide glass seals
Hewitt Ultraviolet Lamp from Burdick Corporation using UVIARC bulb
Small X-Ray tube of German manufacture ca 1896
X-Ray tube showing vacuum too low
X-Ray Tube with low vacuum but still functional
Rare X-Ray tube made of Bohemian crystal glass
Small German X-Ray Tube made by Pressler
Green & Bauer X-Ray tube. Both men died as X-Ray martyrs.
Gundelach X-Ray Tube
Small Pressler X-Ray tube
Early German X-Ray tube
Early German X-Ray tube, perfect vacuum level
Homemade electrodeless bulb by Jeff Behary
Early Geissler Tube with Uranium Oxide glass
Canal Ray / Channel Ray tube of Weinstein (Kanalstrahlen)
Fluoroscope of Jeff Behary's hand using early X-Ray tube
Rare examples of early prototype UV lamps made of
quartz glass
Glass vacuum electrodes used to apply high frequency
sparks to the body for therapeutic and ultraviolet effects.
Originally developed by Dr. Frederick Finch Strong in 1896
Early vacuum electrodes and glass ozone
A series of lamps based on Tesla's work designed and made by Jeff
Broad-spectrum UV outputs of lamps developed by Jeff Behary for killing
bacteria, molds, and viruses.
Early prototype lamp in operation, power consumption 120 watts.
A series of lamps made by Jeff Behary all with
only one conducting wire. Based on the work of Nikola Tesla.
A two-wire lamp made by Jeff Behary for the production of blue/violet
A series of experimental lamps made of different glasses.
A series of electrodeless lamps made by Jeff Behary. They are powered
wirelessly by a high frequency field.
Based off of the work of Nikola Tesla in the 1890s.
Behary lamp containing Uranium Oxide Glass
Behary Plasma Ultraviolet Lamp
Behary Electrodeless Ultraviolet Plasma Lamp
Experimental Electrodeless Lamps made by Jeff Behary from 2012-2014
Experimental Lamp containing colophony rosin made by Jeff Behary.
Experimental Lamp containing sulfur made by Jeff Behary.
Experimental Lamp containing argon and Iodine made by Jeff Behary
Experimental tube made by Jeff Behary containing crushed glass to mimic
lightning discharges
Dual spectrum low pressure sodium lamp
Bright lamp made by Jeff Behary containing Calcium Tungstate. Tube is
dedicated to the memory of Clarence Dally, the first X-Ray martyr who worked for
Thomas Edison.
Ornate Geissler Tube
Neon bulb
Beautiful Geissler Tube with Uranium Oxide Glass
Geissler tube with fluorescent oil
Catherine's Wheel Geissler Tube
Jeff Behary, Frank Jones, and John "Grizzy". Endless
thanks to both colleagues, as well as Daniel Cuscela, Kelly McJilton, Lutz
Neumann, and many others for helping make this quest possible.
And to RGF Environmental Group for keeping the better parts of my collection
alive and well and on display.
Dr. Frederick Finch Strong, pioneer in Electrotherapy and phototherapy.
His book "High Frequency Currents" inspired me to start a museum.
Strong studying the ultraviolet spectrum of his lamp
Strong killing bacteria with UV
Strong was a pioneer of high frequency coils for therapy and worked with Earle
Ovington and Thomas Burton Kinraide.
Strong also invented the vacuum electrode in 1896. The following images
are of vacuum electrodes made around the world.
For more information, please visit my museum and archive:
- Electrotherapy Museum - Crookes, Geissler and X-Ray Tubes
- Electrotherapy Museum - X-Rays
- Electrotherapy Museum - Violet Ray Machines
- Electrotherapy Museum - Carbon Arc Lamps, Ultraviolet Lamps, and Phototherapy
- Dr. Frederick Finch Strong Personal Scrapbook and Archive - 870 pgs
https://archive.org/details/QuestForKinraide5026pgs - In Quest of Kinraide -
5020 pages
- Electrical Discharges in a vacuum: A selection of Crookes, Geissler,
Mercury Vapour, and X-Ray Tubes
https://archive.org/details/UVspectrum - Insights Into The Spectral Outputs
of UV Sources Manufactured from 1800-1900s
- Visible Spectrums of Gas Discharge Tubes
- Hanovia Lamps, Various Booklets
- The Quartz Lamp
- Schönbein - On Ozone
- Misc. UV booklets
- Burdick Ultraviolet Booklets
- Ultraviolet Blueprints from H. G. Fischer Company
- Ultraviolet References
- Heliotherapy with Quartz Light
- Technique Handbook On Quartz Light Therapy
- Therapeutic Effects of Ultraviolet Light
Home machine shop to replicate and repair
Bedroom library mainly dedicated to UV and Spectroscopy
(C) Jeff Behary, 2020