The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy
Regarding Cancer and Tesla
...There was once a field of electrotherapy from
1890s - 1930s that was very well-studied and understood. The
doctors and physicians published many experiments and cases with both
positive and negative results, which get quite complicated...but most
important - they generally were truthful (especially if they were real
doctors and not simply people posing as doctors to sell products).
There was always a strong element of fraud from people taking advantage
of ignorance in the general population. Today with much interest
in alternative medicine and distrust of medical communities (esp. in
USA) rather than recreate the truthful elements of Tesla Coils in
medicine only the fraud has prevailed with few exceptions. This is
unfortunate. The same people who are complaining that the
established medical fields here are not to be trusted are as much frauds
themselves - perhaps worse, because many imply false cancer cures.
Perhaps they have no ethics at all. I've seen it far too often...
Tesla Coils were used legitimately to treat specific things, but most
important were used as surgical tools to remove cancer - it was invasive
(electro-surgery), but resulted in less blood-loss than the scalpel and
also Tesla currents cut and coagulate tissues reducing the spread of
infection which was very important. (Today lasers do this, and
still Tesla currents are used). Today people read that Tesla Coils
were used to treat cancer, but mistakenly have the belief that you only
sit next to a machine and are cured. With extended
periods, the opposite can happen - as with anything, nothing is harmless
in excess...and most often authors here neglect to tell the complete
story or history, only the parts which are convenient to publish for
their own agendas...
I have found in my own vast experimentation both positive and negative
results from Tesla Coils.
Recreating the works of Crookes and Rontgen are especially dangerous
over time.
There are proven physiological effects of high frequency currents.
These effects can cause irreversible damage in untrained hands.
(C) Jeff Behary, 2010