The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum
(C) Jeff Behary 2006

Thanksgiving 2006

Our newest addition - Mejla, an English Bulldog.  Mandarin isn't impressed.

We went to Renniger's 150+ acre Antique Show.  I found a $500 chair like Kinraide had...couldn't afford it.

I did find some Faradic Batteries for $35.

Note the strange meter on the shabby one.

I also found a Campbell meter for $20.

That night it got cold.  Mandarin and Baby Bear were under the covers...

...Io was too, but wasn't feeling well after her yearly shots... :(

After some infrared treatments she was content and eating cat nip... :)

Our new friends Graham and Ellie flew in from New York...

They brought pictures from Long Island!  Rita and I at Tesla Street.
Rita & I, Judy & Jim Hardesty, Francis & Bill Wysock, Graham and Ellie in front of the
Stanford White Building.  Rita having some fun with a PV Scientific Influence Machine.

They also brought us a home Faradic Coil.  Coincidentally Jim & Judy sent us one of these
exact coils over 10 years ago as a surprise with a book order!

They enjoyed the museum...Mejla was even more interesting...

Graham and I talked about Electrotherapy, Induction Coils, Victor Meldrew, Okra being related to Hibiscus,
Del Boy & Rodney's three-wheeled van, Electric Discharges, Multi-Format DVD Players...

...and possible Tesla-related uses for silicone breast implants as insulation for Pancake Coils...

We are both very serious people.

Frank sent along his baby Campbell for inspection.  And I thought my Campbell was small!

We thought of Charles Brush and his pole-transformer-killing-a-furby, and decided to
give some effluves to a squirrel.

I made some custom Violet Ray electrodes filled with conductive gel.

I still can't over Frank's Campbell...Frank and Shari were visiting the hot springs, so we
couldn't even yell at them after opening it!

Amy & Doug (our neighbors) got a new kitten, but gave it to Jacob (our other neighbours
Michelle and Lewis's son).  Their cat Riesling watched intensely...

We made friends with a bob tail black kitty that looks like our Baby Bear.
She/He? is on the roof of the shed.

...and I made a few Spark Gaps...

...And a prototype Rotary Spark Gap - 90 Breaks per revolution!

...and Sunday night we put up the Christmas Tree...